Researching the History of Your House

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Date(s) - 03/14/2020
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Mosaic Coffee House / Seattle First Church of the Nazarene

Given the developing situation with the COVID-19 disease, and in consultation with our venue host, Historic Wallingford has POSTPONED this event until a later date to be determined.

Presenters: Historic Wallingford board members Kim England, Sarah Martin, and Tom Veith

Join us for this informal workshop that introduces participants to key online and local research repositories from which they can gather information about their property. We’ll discuss:

  • Online research sources, including the King County Parcel Viewer, census records for researching people, and historical maps
  • Library/archives resources, including Polk City Directories; City building permit records and house plans, and King County Assessor records
  • Architectural style guides and house plan books
  • Q&A and collaboration

A handout listing the research websites and repositories will be provided to participants.

Those wishing to attend the workshop should register below. Current Historic Wallingford members may participate at no charge. There is a $10 fee – paid at the door – for non-members to participate.

What to bring:
1.  We recommend and encourage you to bring a wi-fi enabled laptop or tablet to participate.
2. We invite you to bring your research questions and old photographs of you house and family to share.

Questions about the event? Email us at


Bookings are closed for this event.